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Российское отделение Международной Ассоциации бизнес-коммуникаций (IABC)
25 ноября 2005 г. в 15:39
Заседание Европейского Совета директоров IABC, встреча Президентов Европейских отделений ассоциации в которых принял участие Президент IABC/Россия Виталий Расницын.

Европейский Совет директоров IABC провел очередное заседание, в котором принял участие
Президент IABC/Россия Виталий Расницын. На повестке дня было
несколько основных вопросов. Во-первых, итоговое обсуждение
программы конференции ELI - Европейской школы лидеров IABC, которая
состоится 29-30 сентября в Берлине, а также проведение в рамках этой
конференции следующего заседания Совета директоров, на котором будет
принят стратегический план работы Европейских отделений ассоциации и
бюджет на его реализацию. Кроме того, члены Совета директоров
обсудили план проведения традиционной ежегодной конференции IABC
EuroComm-2005, которая в этом году пройдет с 30 ноября по 2 декабря
в Париже. Непосредственно перед заседанием Европейского Совета
директоров состоялась короткая встреча Президентов Европейских
отделений IABC, в которой Виталий Расницын также принял участие.
Президенты обсудили насколько эффективно происходит общение и обмен
информацией между Европейскими отделениями, что необходимо
предпринять для более тесного сотрудничества, а также обменялись
мнениями и дали оценку работе Европейского Совета директоров в
целом.<BR><BR>Полный протокол состоявшегося заседания на английском
языке:<BR>IABC Europe Middle East Region Board Meeting<BR>Date:
Thursday, Sept. 8, 2005<BR>Location: Teleconference<BR><BR>Agenda
and Minutes<BR><BR>Time (C.E.T) Topic Who<BR>15:00 Welcome
Kristen<BR>15:05 Discuss agenda for 30 September EME Board Meeting
All<BR>15:15 Feedback from the IABC Council of Regions
Kristen<BR>15:20 Feedback from the IABC International Board
Barb<BR>15:25 Jobs chair and Job Board <BR>15:35 Final Eli
preparations <BR>15:45 Eurocomm preparations <BR>15:55 IABC
International Nominating Committee and Council of Regions Meeting
(Feb 2006) <BR><BR><BR>Present: Regrets:<BR>Kristen Sukalac (Chair)
Barbara Gibson<BR>Silvia Cambi? Rose-Marie Losier<BR>Victoria Gould
Agnesa Secerkadic <BR>Gigi Arino<BR>John Egan<BR>Gerard
Murray<BR>Velvin Velkov<BR>Vitaly Rasnitsyn<BR><BR>Invited guest:
Jane Delbene<BR><BR><BR>1. Agenda for the 30 Sept Board
meeting<BR>a. Consider locations that are restricted for travel by
some of the participants (i.e. Vitaly cannot get a travel visa for
his wife to go to Berlin)<BR>b. The strategic agenda and vision need
to be updated <BR>c. Agnesa will need some support in organising and
preparing for ELI 2006<BR>d. If anyone besides the Membership
Development Director requires access to the regional membership
information, please Kristen know<BR>e. Chapters are requested to
grant the region chair and membership development director access to
your membership information by informing IABC HQ that this is
allowed. Once activated, access will automatically be transferred to
the new office bearer when elections take place. At the moment, they
can only view the number of registrations but not the
composition.<BR>f. Hotel reimbursements to be defined as a maximum
of 2 nights (at 50%) for a Board Meeting; Travel expenses are still
100% (unanimous vote). Victoria will formulate and post the policy
document.<BR>2. Feedback from IABC Council of Regions<BR>The Council
of Regions is trying to identify common tasks that could benefit
from streamlining, templates, etc from IABC International. (Please
send suggestions to Kristen by 26 of Sept)<BR>3. Feedback from the
IABC International Board<BR>By correspondence, Barb reported that
there were no new developments to report from the International
Executive board at this time.<BR>4. Jobs Chair and Job Board:<BR>a.
Gerry reported on progress towards a region-wide job board through a
5 to 7 step process (depending on whether we adopt IABC
International's technology or start from scratch).<BR>b. Technology
platform is called Jobtarget<BR>c. Employers would post job
announcements to the platform (JobTarget would take a 20%
commission, but IABC EME would have no out-of-pocket
expenses.)<BR>d. Group questioned whether we could pay in Euros as
opposed to dollars, but agreed that it was not worth having more
expensive technology to secure euro payments.<BR>e. Velin will have
the visual identity and logo prepared by the end of Sept, Kristen
asked if it could be imported into the job template. Gerry to check,
but this should be feasible.<BR>5. Final ELI preparations<BR>a. A
committee to judge the Excel award is needed<BR>b. Thursday evening,
there will a cocktail event and a speaker in association with the
German Association of Spokespersons.<BR>c. The IABC EME media
relations person, who is based in Berlin has been assisting in
arrangements for the reception with the local spokespersons
association. <BR>d. Would anyone like to volunteer to give a
presentation on International PR events? Suggestions were made to
see if Shaun Wootton was available.<BR>6. Eurocomm
Preparations<BR>a. http://www.iabc/eurocomm is live - we need to do
promotion. Brochure is forthcoming.<BR>b. We need 3 sponsors minimum
and 4 we want to do simultaneous translations (currently we have
Delahaye and Mercer). Several possible sponsors are outstanding and
any ideas are welcome.<BR>c. Velin is checking with SAP, but there
may be a conflict if Microsoft agrees to sponsor<BR>7. IABC
International Nominating Committee and Council of Regions Meeting
(Feb 2006)<BR>a. It was unanimously agreed that Sylvia Cambi? would
represent us at the Council of regions in Charlotte, NC in February
and serve on the IABC International Nominating Committee meeting the
same weekend. As such, she would be eligible for the reimbursement
of travel costs

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